Monday, September 14, 2015


happy beautiful Monday morning ! It is a clear, breezy morning here in Valdosta. Coffee in my hand after an 8 am mandatory workout, and ready to blog. This past weekend I went on the freshman retreat with the BCM ( baptist collegiate ministry). We packed up on Friday to head to camp for the night.. Lol, anyone who knows me just chuckled. Anyways, the theme for the weekend was "Mosiac." When I think of a Mosiac, I always think of a big, fancy church with stained glass windows. These windows are absolutely breathtaking. This artwork shows a bigger picture, one of completeness. But the closer you get to the Mosiac, you realize it is tiny pieces of glass that was masterly pieced together to make something that is spectacular. It is masterpiece. An artist had to take endless hours of skill placing thousands of shard glass fragments together. This message keeps appearing in my life.. From churches, summer camp, and now this retreat. These glass pieces represent our broken parts, the areas in our life we feel keep us in bondage. Brokenness is among us all. No person is perfect. Every person is a sinner. Sin cause brokenness. I know my brokenness has a lot to do with a separated family. Through my brokenness I began to live through it which blurred my vision and paths. I began to be depressed. I endulged in anything that took my eyes off my problem, which at the time was a relationship with a guy. I had periods where I simply was done and did not want to be alive. Brokenness was the core of everything I did. The enemy manipulated it into something I thought defined me. I was broken. That was who I was and I had excepted it. BUT , that is not how Our God sees me. He calls me a masterpiece. 
{ for we are God's masterpiece. he has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago } Ephesians 2:10
God is not surprised at my sin. he is not shocked my family fell apart. I did not pull one on him moving to Valdosta. he knew his plans a long time ago, he knew I would trip up. He loves me though. We were created in his image, We were created for a purpose.. A special purpose. Never think you are the only one in the room struggling because you are not. We all have a story. We all have a past. We all have weakness, but God works greatest through our weaknesses. God takes those shards of glass and turns them into a masterpiece that is breathtaking. It does not happen over night, but overtime God works all things for good for those who love him. Broken is not how who you are. YOU are a masterpiece. 
Lots of love , 

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